Often the address data retrieved from a client is malformed, for this reason it is important to always check the Suburb and Postal code combination before hitting the "Validate Details" button.
In the example below the Suburb is Constantia and not Cape Town. If Cape Town is placed within the Suburb field, ScrubBill will change the Postal code to suit i.e 8001 - which is incorrect, the original Postal code 7945 was in fact correct:
- Unit / Building : 1 Green str
- Street line 1 :
- Street line 2 : Constantia
- Suburb : Cape Town
- City / Province : Western Cape
- Country : South Africa
- PCODE : 8001
- Unit / Building : 1 Green str (Note: A simple street address will be moved to the first field)
- Street line 1 :
- Street line 2 :
- Suburb : Constantia
- City / Province : Cape Town (Note: Cities & Provinces are not used for address validation)
- Country : South Africa (Note: always South Africa)
- PCODE : 7945